Study Shami/Levantine Arabic ONLINE – Meet Jacob from USA

My tutor Dua’a has been fantastic! Bearing in mind I am learning as a complete beginner (as well as learning online which presents is own set of challenges) my tuition has been fun, engaging, challenging and rewarding in equal measure.

My tutor has been exceptionally accommodating and supportive of my Arabic language journey. Arranging lessons was always easy and straightforward, and the content was always at just the right level to challenge me, but remain fun. I look forward to having more lessons in the future.

Here to check out all our volunteer, internship and Study Intensive Arabic (MSA or Levantine)

How to apply or ask for additional information?

To apply to any of our programs: Please send an email to Mr. Tamimi at Please type the name of the chosen program in the subject line. We will then contact you back!

Chat With US!

WhatsApp or Signal : +972-598172071

We’d be very happy to have you in Palestine!